Saturday, October 18, 2014

Neurosurgeon Eban Alexander Tells His Story

from The Daily Mail on line 10/18/14 Eban Alexander, M.D. tells his story

......the entire story can be read from this link that will take you back to the Daily Mail Online and directly to the article in its entirety

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Please add your thoughts.

When Those Who Have Passed Reach Out

It is not unusual for a friend or loved one who has died to reach out to us. This I know.

In doing a bit of research, published author and one who has had this happen many times is a researcher named Joseph Bernard.  Here is one of his experiences in which he writes about communication with his father.  There were 133 comments on this post alone authored by several bloggers interested in this subject of the deceased communicating with those still living.

This is my experience of a friend communicating with me after her death:

My friend Fran died in 2001.  She and I had talked several times about if one or the other of us died, and that we would let the one still living know that we were thinking of them and praying for the best in their continuing life.  I asked her how I would know if she were checking in with me, if she were the one of us to die first.  She said that she would use the same method of contacting me that one of her (previously deceased) friends used with her.  That signal was to have a picture move or fall off a wall where it hung.

Strangely, Fran and I went on a trip shortly after talking about this phenomenon of communication after death.  Long story, but she became ill on that trip and lived only six weeks after our "girls' weekend" away from our husbands.  She had apparently been living with pancreatic cancer, not yet diagnosed.  Little did I know then that she would be gone from this earth only two months after our trip.

Fran and I painted together on my back porch in the summer days in the late 1990's and into the early years of 2000.  She and I both liked to paint flowers, in the style of Georgia O'Keeffe, or so we liked to think.  In the year 2000, she gave me one of her paintings, framed in a simple and inexpensive document frame with thin glass, a small matted original.  I hung it in our guest bathroom and it was there until only a few years ago.

Within about two months after her death, that painting literally jumped off the wall and fell.  It fell onto the ceramic tile floor of the bathroom, yet the thin glass in the frame did not break. When I picked up the picture from the tile floor, back side up, and turned it over, I immediately saw her signature, "Fran", and knew she was thinking of me.  It did not scare me or make me feel odd, I just knew she was checking in on me, according to our pact with one another.

Then in 2013, one of my large floral pictures which had been framed and positioned on a heavy easel atop our china cabinet literally crashed from the easel to the hardwood floor in the middle of the night.  No vibration, no storm or other action precipitated this occurrence.  The glass shattered across the floor.  When I reflect on that occurrence, I just assume it was Fran again, checking in on me, and reminding me not to forget her and our good times together.  (I never replaced that picture that was atop the china cabinet.)

Maybe she and I will paint again together one day.  I hope so.  Thinking of you, Fran.

Monday, May 26, 2014

A Heavenly Dream of Color and Peace

Although this was not a NDE, I did have a dream within the last year, sometime in 2013, that I will record here.

In the dream, I knew I was in heaven, or someplace not in this world.  I was looking on to a vista, a meadow of some sort, that had a never ending horizon.  I was looking through a sort of portal, perhaps a window, and saw flowers that were shining and looked as if each was a prism of color.  Each flower was a different color, but the colors were not one would see on a color chart, or like on a chart of watercolors seen on the header of my art blog.  Instead, each color spoke for itself, almost shouting happiness.

Each flower was a brilliant color; the color emanated from the center of each glass-like flower, shining outwards.  There was an innumerable number of these flowers, and they were so bright it was hard to focus on just one flower, but instead, I had a feeling of being in a different and exceptionable place I had never been before.

When I awoke from this dream, I had a feeling of love surrounding me.  I immediately thought of my mother who died ten years prior, who had artistic ability, and loved colors in any form.  (Funny, though, she only wore beige, cream colors and browns in her wardrobe.)

Since that dream, I have become a quasi-fanatic about colors, always trying new combinations in my paintings.

I will never forget that dream.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Carl Jung's NDE

go here for Jung's account of his NDE

Stories Galore

3,500 stories of NDEs shared here.

31 Blind Respondents See in NDEs

From the Journal of Near Death Studies: Forty six pages from an abstract by Kenneth Long, PhD and Sharon Cooper, MA found here about "the results of an investigation into near- death and out-of-body experiences in 31 blind respondents."

from page 124 of this abstract: :"there is no question that NDEs in the blind do occur and that, furthermore, that they take the same general form and are comprised of the very same elements that define the NDEs of sighted individuals."

Sight from a Blind One in a NDE

Go to this link and read about an instance  "... in NDEs, even blind-from-birth people see—in full, vivid detail. Long calls it “medically inexplicable.”